Together we all

Every person counts. Every action counts. Every dollar counts.
100% Donated
Goal: $1,500,000
Donate Now

What does it mean to Liv? What does it mean to Giv?
What does it mean to Netiv?

Netiv Aryeh, the trailblazing Yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem, has shaped the next generation to continue our legacy, from Jewish leaders to community pillars. And now it’s time to help raise Netiv. Due to the generosity of our benefactors, every dollar raised will be matched! For the duration of the campaign, you, I, and the entire global community will raise $1,200,000 for Netiv Aryeh, in a time of generosity and support entitled: LIV GIV NETIV x2!

Latest Donations

Avremi Rabin, Dani Bader, and Zev Bader | ₪180.00
In Honour of the staff and students who worked so hard to make this campaign so successful!
Michael and Naomi Cohen | ₪200.00
Donated with: Skills Enhancement Program
Ahron Katz | $100.00
In Honor of Jamie Tash
Donated with: Skills Enhancement Program
Yosef Kassorla | $36.00
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jonathan & Lisa Fruchter | $360.00
IHO Rav Bina and the amazing Netiv Staff
Ron Fleeter | $360.00
Donated with: Skills Enhancement Program
Anonymous | ₪50.00
Donated with: Bet Powerhouse
Anonymous | ₪540.00
Donated with: Bnot Bina
Lkvoid Rabbi Stein! | $360.00
Anonymous | $50.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nachum weinstock | $11.00
Learn gold less valuable then Torah
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $18.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Learn more and mroe
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $180.00
Donated with: Rav Yoel Rackovsky's Chug
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $16.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weisntock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Lydia Rozenberg | $36.00
In memory of Rav Ari Fuld
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Emanuel Lubetski | $20.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00
For all the amazing staff and for making me the person I am today. Thank you Rav Bina for being the greatest roll model a bachur can ever ask for .
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $50.00
Donated with: Bina Boys
Zev Koller | $180.00
In appreciation for the skills in learning and warmth I received in yeshiva, which I still benefit from today. Thank you Rav Yoel for all that you do.
Donated with: Skills Enhancement Program
Yair Zakai | $843.00
In Honor of Rav Shragi and all that he does.
Donated with: Alef Growth
Hainech & Chanie | $18.00
In honor of Moshe Ben PR & his entire wonderful family, l'zchus for a Gmar chasimeh toiveh.
Donated with: The Captain's Crew
ebi khalili | $52.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $360.00
In memory of Harry and Rose and Mike and Bryna Eisen and Savitt
Donated with: Rav Korn's Cave
Tomer & Limor | $152.00
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous | ₪10.00
Anonymous | $36.00
Yoni Rockland is learning!
Donated with: Rav Yoel Rackovsky's Chug
Jonathan and Sarah Packer | $1,360.00
Donated with: Bina Boys
Natan and Kelly | $180.00
In honor of Daniel Soumikh
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $11.00
Continue to learn
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Nachum weinstock | $11.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $11.00
Ohel counselor
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weisntock | $11.00
Hasc was very hard and I’m very proud of hard work
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weisntock | $10.00
Learn more
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $24.00
I am very proud of you
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Efraim Ben Leah | $555.00
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Ohel u did for four year unreal
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $16.00
Learning till 3 am for your country
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nachum weinstock | $10.00
Top Boucher
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Nat and Joe Kamali | $180.00
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Michael and Vanessa Rouzenrouch | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Keep up the great work Netiv !! Shana tova
Yosef Friedman | $36.00    $72.00
In honor of Rav Rafi.
Donated with: Bet Powerhouse
Anonymous | $36,000.00    $72,000.00
In honor of Brian and his family
Donated with: Bina Boys
Yalta Sciallo | $18.00    $36.00
In dedication of the Weinstock family
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Leah Pancer | $36.00    $72.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $36.00    $72.00
Donated with: Bet Powerhouse
Yaffa Levy | $18.00    $36.00
Refuah shlema
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Batya Moskowitz | $18.00    $36.00
Please daven: Elyanna Miriam bas Batya Mindel
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | $36.00    $72.00
Donated with: Bader Brothers
Anonymous | ₪360.00    ₪720.00
In honor of all Netiv has done and continues to do. Especially R’ Shragie
Donated with: Alef Growth
Chaya Rivka & Dov Lieberman | $18.00    $36.00
Donated with: The Captain's Crew
Anonymous | $29.00    $58.00


Bina Boys

121.48% Donated
Goal: $350,000

British Programme

114.88% Donated
Goal: $40,000

Bader Brothers

131.81% Donated
Goal: $20,000

Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug

97.25% Donated
Goal: $220,000

Rav Yoel Rackovsky's Chug

94.38% Donated
Goal: $150,000

Shuk Shleppers

104.73% Donated
Goal: $50,000

Sephardi Party

97.62% Donated
Goal: $180,000

Skills Enhancement Program

114.53% Donated
Goal: $20,000

Alef Growth

100.00% Donated
Goal: $80,000

Bet Powerhouse

100.56% Donated
Goal: $30,000

Emunah Group

59.70% Donated
Goal: $20,000

Rav Korn's Cave

106.65% Donated
Goal: $100,000

The Captain's Crew

105.66% Donated
Goal: $100,000

Bnot Bina

104.10% Donated
Goal: $50,000
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