John and Julie Leanse |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Ben Peyser |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Joshua Aziz |
Thank you to Rav Amos and Rav Chaim for everything they did and still do for me.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Adam Edelstein |
To netiv and the emunah group, who gave me the rich and blessed life that I have today
Donated with: Emunah Group
Ari Saffra |
W Marc
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
Berachah vHatzlacah
Donated with: Emunah Group
Reuven Aryeh Sabo |
Thank you Rav Chaim and Rav Amos for all the love and support!!!
Donated with: Emunah Group
Jack Hartstein |
In honor of Rav Amos, Rav Mendel and Rav Chaim who truly have had a profound influence on my life and everything that I do. Wishing you all only nachas and simcha from your children and your talmidim.
Donated with: Emunah Group
25 |
Thank you rav amos for everything. Especially for having me for shabbos and for learning with Solly Eisenstat
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Malkie & Stan Akerman |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Ari Kimmelfeld |
In Honor of the rebeim, Rav Bina, and the unconditional love and support from the Grossman and Goldschmidt families.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Freddie Assor |
Thank you Rav Mendel and Rav Chaim for everything you have done to inspire Klal Yisrael.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
Thank you to all the Rebbeim in the emunah group, I cannot be more thankful to them for what they gave me.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Yaacov Levy |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
To Rav Chaim, for being such a great friend and helping me find my way (even though it's a long process).
And to Room 17! Love you boys
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
In honor of Rav Bina שליט"א
Donated with: Emunah Group
Yudi Englard |
in honor of Rav Amos and a Z'chus for Klal Yisrael
Donated with: Emunah Group
Arthur popivker |
Thank you to the rabbeim who made my year
Donated with: Emunah Group
Y Sokel |
Thank you to the rabbanim
Donated with: Emunah Group
Robin and Aliza Leanse |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Dovie Shimoff |
Thank you so much to the Yeshiva and its Rabbeim for everything they do, for building a real makom Torah, helping every talmid on an individual basis, and for treating everyone that walks through the doors like family.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Chaim Rosenblatt |
In honor of Rav Amos who lit a fire in me 30 years ago that B"H still burns strong, and Rav Mendel who has taught me an incalculable amount of Torah.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Matthew Hedvat |
Chazak ubaruch to Harav Amos, Rav Chaim, and Rav Mendel for all they do !!
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
Donated with: Emunah Group
Natey Simantov |
In honor of Rav Mendel, Rav Amos, and Rav Chaim. For introducing me to the incredible depth of Torah, and for making my everyday yidishkeit so much more meaningful. I cannot thank you enough!
Donated with: Emunah Group
Anonymous |
Tizku Lmitzvot Marci!
Donated with: Emunah Group
Marc M |
Refuah for Eliezer ben Jenya
Donated with: Emunah Group
Matthew Mizrahi |
In honor or Rav Mendel, Rav Chaim, and Rav Amos. For helping me see live my Judaism in a more thoughtful and meaningful way.
Donated with: Emunah Group
Donny Fuchs |
Donated with: Emunah Group