Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug

MB Program - VIrtual Halacha Program - Rav Ami's Chug

Donate to Team


97.25% Donated
Goal: $220,000

Anonymous | $50.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Emanuel Lubetski | $20.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00
For all the amazing staff and for making me the person I am today. Thank you Rav Bina for being the greatest roll model a bachur can ever ask for .
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ruchi and Tsvi Kushner | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ronald and andrea sultan | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Adam and Suzanne Feit | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
With deep hakaras hatov to Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, and all the Rebbeim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $50.00    $100.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
B'Zechus Rav Ami and the chug that not only inspired me but hundreds more! Also for the best M"B shiur in the world!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dovid & Adina Mittel Family | $21.00    $42.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dovid & Adina Mittel Family | $51.00    $102.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
Thank You Rav Ami and Family for being a living example of Emunah and Bitachon. Continue in strength and may your efforts bring redemption for the Jewish People.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yosef Shmuel | $50.00    $100.00
There's no chug in חוץ לארץ. Thank you to EVERYONE I've encountered there for 2 years. (Rav Wiesner = G.O.A.T)
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Eliezer Wintner | $25.00    $50.00
Thank you so much Rav Ami for everything you do for the guys. Whether it's chug, halacha shiur, hilchos shabbos shiur, hosting guys for shabbos/yomtov seudas, answering shalais daily on the alumni chat, always reaching out to keep in touch, Rebbe always has the guys' best interests in mind. Thank you!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Noah Kranz | $50.00    $100.00
Thank you Rav Ami for all that you have done and continue to do for me and all of the talmedei hayeshiva. It is a big zechus learn halacha from someone who is so connected to the mesorah through gedolei yisrael such as Harav Nevenzahl.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Renee Cohen | $36.00    $72.00
Love to my nephew Rav Ami and family.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Caroline and Morris Massel | $250.00    $500.00
Tremendous hakaras hatov to Rav Ami for his beautiful shiurim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ethan Penstein | $250.00    $500.00
Thank you to Rav Ami and the guys for giving me chizuk. From the entire Penstein family.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Manu | $180.00    $360.00
To my favourite place in the world
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $118.00    $236.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
Thank you to all my rebbeim at Netiv Aryeh, especially Rav Ami who took me as an extra son!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ethan and Nomi Dreifus | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Josh Lefton | $100.00    $200.00
To all of my rabbeim that helped me over the 2 years I was there.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Zach Sherman | $36.00    $72.00
B'Zchus the Chashuv VHP Chevra!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yosi Tzadok | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
In honor of Rav Bina
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Benjamin Diamond | $18.00    $36.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Gavi Smith | $200.00    $400.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Agi and Ken zitter | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ambinder | $10.00    $20.00
In honor of Rav Bina and Rav Ami and the entire Yeshiva
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Kayla & Akiva Gottlieb | $250.00    $500.00
So appreciative of the connection we have with Netiv Aryeh and Rav Ami!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪2,000.00    ₪4,000.00
To the Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Bina, HaRabbanit Bina, HaRav Merzel, all of the Rabbeim, and staff, for all that they do 25/7 for the boys and Am Yisrael!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nati Stern | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nachi and Joyce Friedman | $10,000.00    $20,000.00
In honor of Rav Ami, Rav Thaler and the whole VHP team!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Kara & Zvi Wolpoe | $200.00    $400.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sam Poupko | $120.00    $240.00
Thank you to everyone at the yeshiva for all they have done. Especially Rav Ami, Rav Koren, and Rav Mays.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $500.00    $1,000.00
In honor of my rebbeim rav Shaul Weisner and Rav Ami Merzel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sam and Tamar Lefton | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Elana and Duvie Levine | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Chaim Medetsky | $30.00    $60.00
Thank you to the yeshiva and all of the amazing Rebbeim!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Benny & Shoshana Schvarcz | $100.00    $200.00
In honor of the wonderful Matty Dreifus!! Keep being awesome 🙌
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Max Spector | $120.00    $240.00
Thank you to all the rebbeim and the yeshiva for everything! Shout to to Rav Ami, Rav Hirschhorn, Rav Yehuda Tennenbaum, Rav Yoel Yehoshua
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Neil Cohen | $100.00    $200.00
In honor of Ezra B
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jessie and Alec Rabinowitz | $180.00    $360.00
In honor of Rav Ami for all the amazing work he does in VHP and for running the most amazing chug!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Saul and leah Feldman and family | $500.00    $1,000.00
In honor bentson zilberstein
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Tiki & Simcha Lyons | $500.00    $1,000.00
Am Yisrael Chai! Yasher Koach Samuel!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sarah & James Proops | $360.00    $720.00
With unending Hakaras Hatov to the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Bina, all the Rebbeim and staff for all you have given us and continue to give to everyone associated with the yeshiva.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jonathan Mehlman | $100.00    $200.00
Thank you Rav Ami for your continous Harbotzas Hatorah within the Yeshiva as well as for everything you do for VHP!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nahva and Yoni Bindiger | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
A and A Miller | $36.00    $72.00
Keep up the awesome learning!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rivkah and Aryeh Steinfeld | $350.00    $700.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $10.00    $20.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Your Aspire family | $500.00    $1,000.00
In honor of Akiva G! From your Aspire family
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Elana and Evan Lebor | $72.00    $144.00
In honor of Rav Ami and his dedication to the talmidim and alumni.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jonah & Shana Schmidt | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ariella and josh orenbuch | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Allie and David Wolkoff | $360.00    $720.00
Hakaras Hatov!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nechama and Michael Cohen | $120.00    $240.00
In honor of our nephew, Ezra
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Alexa and Sammy Gelnick | $2,000.00    $4,000.00
Hakaras Hatov to Rav Bina and all the Rebeim for all the mesiros nefesh for the talmidim and Yeshiva on a daily basis. Both during and after Yeshiva. Hatzlacha rabba, iYH should continue being marbitz Torah Ad meah ve’esrim!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Chani Penstein and JJ Hornblass | $3,600.00    $7,200.00
To the entire Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh. We cannot thank you enough for all do for our son and all the Talmidom.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $250.00    $500.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ami Merzel | $100.00    $200.00
Thank you to my wife!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yosef and Rivka Thaler | ₪360.00    ₪720.00
לכבוד הרב יעקב טלר שליט״א, ותודה רבה לישיבה על ארוחות טעימות וחמות
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nicole & Yehuda Poupko | $360.00    $720.00
In honor of Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Korn, Rav Ami and the other amazing Rebbeim!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David Rabiei | $10.00    $20.00
In zechus, of the great Emanuel lubetski. I love the way you walk. Keep shteiging
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Mr and Ms Chernikoff | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Marli Gutman | $18.00    $36.00
For Abie, YMG, Meir, Itzy
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aliza Zelman | $18.00    $36.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Shlomo Katz | $25.00    $50.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Bubbe, Zaida & Uncle Ari Hillel | $540.00    $1,080.00
In honor of our precious grandson, Mendel & honoring our brave Israeli soldiers. May you continue to go from strength to strength. We love you very much!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Eytan Feldman | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Eric Pollak | $500.00    $1,000.00
In honor of Rav Bina and all of the wonderful Rabbanim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Leora & Abie Cohen | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ezra and Danielle Malitzky | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aryeh & Rise Ciment | $200.00    $400.00
In honor of Rav Kreditor, Rav Channan, Rav Bina, and the other amazing rebbeim!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ari and Avigayil Strulowitz | $360.00    $720.00
IHO Rav Bina Shlit”a and all the incredible rebbeim and staff
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Judith and Zevi Fischer | $125.00    $250.00
In honor of HaRav Bina, Shlita; HaRav Korn, Shlita; and all of the Rabbanim.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Nick Kett | £33.00    £66.00
With immense gratitude to YNA, Rav Bina and Rav Ami's semicha programme for everything they have given me for 21 years and counting
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Deena and Yossi Grunberg | $1,500.00    $3,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Douglas rosenthal | $360.00    $720.00
In honor of rav ami, rav bina and all the rabbanim and the talmidim that make Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh sooo special!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
jonathan hanus | $2,800.00    $5,600.00
Well done Rav Ami and the entire Netiv team!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Gilad and Gila Rosenberg | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ethan Berlin | $18.00    $36.00
For Jack
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rafi Englard | $50.00    $100.00
Dedicated to Murray
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yitzy Socol | $50.00    $100.00
Endless appreciation!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Joey and Shana Frank and family | $500.00    $1,000.00
Thank you to Rav Ami for all your years of non stop dedication to yeshiva and the boys! For many years to come beH!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rachel Cohen | $150.00    $300.00
Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Netiv and for my grandson Ezra.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dana and Tzvi Simpson | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
In Honor of the great rabayim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David Schwartz | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Kushs | $180.00    $360.00
Dena bas Shalom
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Emanuel Lubetski | $150.00    $300.00
In honor of the gadol MURRAY H
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Mark and Naomi Gross | $54.00    $108.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Andrew Haller | $500.00    $1,000.00
Thank you Rav Ami and to the yeshiva for everything you do for us. You make us feel connected no matter where we are! I Can't wait to see you in January!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dov | ₪1,000.00    ₪2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ariella& Jonathan Brody | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Isaac Abramchayev | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Alexander and Anni Lyons | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
In honor of all the amazing rabbaim And Shmuel Toovs!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Kovi Lightman | $18.00    $36.00
For the Great Gadol Emanuel Lubetski for all that he’s done to change so many lives in Netiv!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
binaboy001 | $250.00    $500.00
no message needed
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sheldon Kirshner | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪180.00    ₪360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Coby Casden | $250.00    $500.00
Thank you Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Ami(Miss Chug 🙌), Rav Kretitor, Rav Yoel, Rav Yoel yehoshua, Rav weisner, Rav Felder, Rav yisrael, Rav shragie, Rav avisar, Captain Corona! and the rest of the amazing rebbeim that showed me and continue to show me how to live like a Ben Torah! Shout out Jonah hornblass (saved some! :) Yitzchak Losev! Andy Mordowitz! Marc Matlis! (Drs Chaburah) Shlomo Katz! Nathaniel Soclof!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ellen & Roy Bernstein | $360.00    $720.00
Thank you for all you do for Kal Yisrael!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Amichai Strasberg | ₪1,000.00    ₪2,000.00
In Honor and great thanks to Rav Ami and his family, may HKBH continue to bless him and give him koach to teach torah to our children!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Matthew and Eleora Ganchrow | $250.00    $500.00
In honor of Rav Ami, Rav Kreditor and the rest of the rebbeim for all they did and continue to do for me!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sam Richman | $18.00    $36.00
In Honor of Matty Dreifus
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Leo Rubin | $1,200.00    $2,400.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Simcha F | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yoni Steinfeld | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Lani & Moshe Hans | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $50.00    $100.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David Cohen | $50.00    $100.00
In honor of Rav Ami for always being there and guiding me in the most influential time of my life. Bz''h this relationship will last for a very long time!!! (Also, let's hope Hornblass is back on our team @chugchat)
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dovie and Shira Bechhofer | $100.00    $200.00
Thank you so much to Rav Ami and the wonderful VHP staff!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sheryl & Larry Merzel | $100.00    $200.00
In honor of all our grandchildren
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Elana and Chaim Chovev | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Matty Dreifus TS Development Holdings | $2,050.00    $4,100.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ezriel Boim | $118.00    $236.00
Hakaras hatov to Rav Bina, Rav Ami, Rav Yoel and the entire Netiv staff
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Meira and Reuven Gottesman | $36.00    $72.00
Dedicated to team brichas Kohanim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Josh and Gaby Sarner | $250.00    $500.00
Hakaras Hatov to the Rosh Yeshiva and the entire yeshiva for all they have done and continue to do.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Uri Dreifus | $180.00    $360.00
In honor of Matty Dreifus And his amazing accomplishments!!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $118.00    $236.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $118.00    $236.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Judah and Tova Plaut | $200.00    $400.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
leliui nishmas Baruch ben Yosef
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Eliana & Yaakov Indig | $72.00    $144.00
For all of Rav Ami's guidance and support inside and outside of yeshiva!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jeffrey Bander not Kohn | $360.00    $720.00
Keep up the good work!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Benji & Ayelet Kaufman | $9,000.00    $18,000.00
Thank you to Rav Ami for everything
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ben and Shira Spanjer | $180.00    $360.00
Thank you to Rav Ami for giving me keviut in my learning every day, and for getting me to Netiv in the first place.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Frank Rubin | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yisrael and Rachel feld | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Thank you to the yeshiva for all they have done and continue to do!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Moshe and Sara Crane | $50.00    $100.00
Thank you Rav Bina, Rav Korn and Rav Ami
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Zilberstein family | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
With gratitude to Rav Ami and much love for Bentsion Z
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Hersh & Ashira Greszes | ₪1,252.00    ₪2,504.00
Thank you to Rav Ami who truly lives the phrase: ללמוד על מנת לעשות
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sara Zilberstein | $200.00    $400.00
In honor of Bentsion and with gratitude to R'Ami ans all the rebbeim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $22.00    $44.00
Rav Ami’s chug is amazing for the guys
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jonah | $18.00    $36.00
In dedication to Abie Merzel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yedidya Yehoshua | ₪180.00    ₪360.00
In honor of the VHP staff, whose unwavering dedication and care make a profound difference in the lives of many. Rav Ami, Rav Thaler, Rav Yusupov, Rav Kornbluth, Rav Herszaft, and Dovi Shimoff, שנזכה להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rina & Nahum Felman | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Elie and Sima Miller | $100.00    $200.00
In honor of Bentsion Zilberstein - keep crushing through your year. You stink at basketball. Also you are short.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Eric Herman | $18.00    $36.00
Tizku Lmitzvot
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ben Kramer | $2,000.00    $4,000.00
I’m honor of Rav Amis diving catch in the 2004 flag football semi final game
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Donated as acknowledgement of our Hakarat hatov to Rav Bina, Rav Ami and the entire Netiv staff
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
bentsion zilberstein | $200.00    $400.00
thanks for everything rebbi
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Adam Kirshner | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Herschel and Risa Millero | $180.00    $360.00
In honor of Bentsion Zilberstein
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Shai Hirt | $50.00    $100.00
Jonah Hornblass x Rosario throwback
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Julie and Jonathan Yarimi | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪500.00    ₪1,000.00
Thank you to Rav Ami, Rav Bina and the entire Netiv family who come together to create a growth specific environment to each and every talmid!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Tzuri Merzel | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Mordechai Rosenthal | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Teddy Cohen | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Evan Seltzer | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Michael and Nomi Plaut | $250.00    $500.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Sassa and Zaide shanes | $500.00    $1,000.00
We are so Proud Wishing you Continued Success
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $18.00    $36.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Boczko Family | $180.00    $360.00
B’zchus Rav Ami Merzel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Gabe Indyk | $36.00    $72.00
Big thanks to Rav Ami for running an amazing chug!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aviv | $72.00    $144.00
In honor of Aharon Yarimi
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $650.00    $1,300.00
L'iLui Nishmat Yechzkel Tzvi ben Moshe Halevi
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Mikey & Rebecca Richman | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Evan Seltzer | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yitz and Tova Bukingolts | $180.00    $360.00
Thank you Rav Bina and entire staff for changing our lives!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $200.00    $400.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Avi Kushner | $100.00    $200.00
In honor of Ikey Soffer’s continuous growth
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aharon yarimi | $36.00    $72.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
Shlomo Katz
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Akiva Galimidi | $150.00    $300.00
In honor of R’ Ami - for all the amazing chuggim, Halacha Shiurim, and the endless love and care R’ Ami gives to all of this talmidim
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rebecca Pine | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Keep up the good work Emanuel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
GP | $18.00    $36.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Levi Genesove | ₪180.00    ₪360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Samuel Chazan | $68.00    $136.00
Vamos Matty!!! thank you Rav Ami for all the chugs!!!!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aviva and Seth brum | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yitzy & Naomi Hollander | $3,600.00    $7,200.00
in honor of Rav Bina and Rav Ami and for a year of Bracha, simcha, and health
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Michal and Moshe brum | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Gavriel Wagner | $36.00    $72.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $100.00    $200.00
For bentzion who's thriving!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yoey Berkowitz | $18.00    $36.00
L'kavod Matty Dreifus
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Stacey & Nechemia Mordowitz | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
To R’ Bina, R’ Chanan & all the incredible unbelievable Rebbeim at Netiv Aryeh who have made a tremendous positive impact on the all the talmidim!! We are blessed with all our years of friendship & to be part of the Netiv family. Shana Tova!!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jeremy Gorjian | $72.00    $144.00
In honor of my dear friend Matty. Keep shtieging Rebbi!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yaakov Thaler | ₪1,000.00    ₪2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Deena, Ari, and Hannah May Shatkin | $36.00    $72.00
Dedicated to the growth of Yonah.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Tzviki Bodlander | $18.00    $36.00
In honor of Shlomo Katz! The cousin who keeps on shteiging!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rachel and Judah Lyons | $360.00    $720.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ben & Mindy Lyons | $50.00    $100.00
In honor of our nephew Samuel. Keep doing your thing.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Shalom and Mickey Katz | $200.00    $400.00
In honor of Rav Bina and the entire staff of Netiv Aryeh.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
The Chesed Connects Fund | $101.00    $202.00
In honor of the yeshiva and what its doing for klal Yisroel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jeffrey Teitelbaum | $100.00    $200.00
Thank you to Rav Ami, the entire VHP Staff and Talmidim, and to Yeshivas Netiv Aryeh
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Rachel and David Lyons and Family | $3,600.00    $7,200.00
In honor of our 3 boys Zachary, Alexander and Samuel as well as Rav Bina and the entire amazing rebbeim and staff at Netiv.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jordan & Shani Goldschmidt | $503.00    $1,006.00
In Honor of the Yeshiva and all that you do for Klal Yisroel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Elisha Rubin | ₪2,000.00    ₪4,000.00
In honor of all the Rabbeim and staff at Netiv Aryeh for their hard work and dedication to all the talmidim!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
In honor of Rav Ami and the entire VHP staff - thank you and בע"ה continue in harbatzas Torah
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David Haskell | $30.00    $60.00
Have incredible success! May Hashem bless Rav Ami, Netiv staff, talmidim and alumni to spread Torah throughout the world!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Ariel Goldberg | ₪360.00    ₪720.00
לרפואת הנפש ורפואת הגוף לדניאל צבי בן פיגא טובה ובזכות כל הרבנים בישיבה, מסירות נפש ואהבת ישראל לטובת התלמידים
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪400.00    ₪800.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Moshe & Chani Weinblatt | ₪5,000.00    ₪10,000.00
With tremendous appreciation for Rav Ami and for all of the rabbonim and staff at Netiv Aryeh. With particularly endless hakaras hatov and gratitude to Rav Bina for all that he has always done for us.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $200.00    $400.00
For all the amazing things Rav Ami is doing
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David Liberman | $500.00    $1,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪1,200.00    ₪2,400.00
To Rebbe, Rav Ami, for guiding us and our families through the brachot that הקב"ה gives us. For the yeshiva that helped raise us and bring us closer to the almighty.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪360.00    ₪720.00
Thank you Rav Ami for everything you do for your talmidim and for all of klal yisrael
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yosef and Penny Kramer | ₪2,160.00    ₪4,320.00
Thank you Rav Ami for the continuous hadracha that you provide for us, and of course to the rest of the Netiv staff for your constant support!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Dov Ort | $50.00    $100.00
I'm honor of Rabbi Merzel
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | ₪8,000.00    ₪16,000.00
Ad kan for today.
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Jeremy Asher (Gaisin) / Yirmi G. - Yirmiyahu Asher HaKohen | $10.00    $20.00
Rav Ami is full of light, torah and love and makes my day whenever I see and/or hear from him!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Michael Kaye | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $5,000.00    $10,000.00
In honor of Rav Ami - Thank You for everything!
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Anonymous | $72.00    $144.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
David | $1,000.00    $2,000.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Simcha & Dana Yusupov | $1,800.00    $3,600.00
Hakarat hatov to all the rabbeim and staff of YNA and the VHP
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Yoni Pollock | $180.00    $360.00
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug
Aaron Allen | ₪5,000.00    ₪10,000.00
After 32 years YNA is still my home for Torah . To Rav Bina , Rav Ami and all the yeshiva Shana Tova הצלחה בכל
Donated with: Rav Ami's Halacha - Power Chug