Yosef Kassorla |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Tomer & Limor |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Efraim Ben Leah |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Nat and Joe Kamali |
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Elie & Naomi Bassalian |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Eliahou Garson |
Hazak David profite de cette année à la Yeshiva, c'est les meilleurs moment !!
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David Benlolo |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
In honor of Avraham Liviem for the voice note.
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Lyat & Jonathan Amar |
À la mémoire de Ruby Ouriel Bar Simha
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גלעד כהנים |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
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Kohananoo Family |
In honor of my son Ethan Kohananoo learning in Netiv Aryeh. Tizku LeMitzvot!
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Chayim Mahgerefteh |
Hatzlacha for Am Yisrael
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Eli Ali |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
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Morty Stern |
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Maloull Family |
Am Israel Chai!
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Anonymous |
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Livi Family |
Kol hakavod. Shana Tova
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Anonymous |
In honor of Rav Binah and the entire faculty, thank you!
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Benyamin Hekmati |
Lilu Neshama Emunah Rifka bat Benyamin
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Lichvod Rav Darmoni and Rav Sadok Shelit"a
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Tzadik, Rav Darmoni, Rav Itai, Rav Avissar, and Rav Shueshiem for all that you’ve done. Thank you for helping us grow in every aspect and thank you for pushing us to reach our potentials. May the yeshiva continue to to help spiritual and self growth for many years to come!
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Joshua Aziz |
In honor of Rav Tsadok and Rav Darmoni. Thank you for everything!!
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Anonymous |
In honor of the Rabbis that always care.
Refuah shelema of Elazar ben Tana
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Omid and Edwin Soofirzadeh |
Hakarot hatov for everything the yeshiva has done for our family. Special thanks to Rav Hirschorn, Rav Chanan, Rav Tzadok, Rav Shragie and Rav Felder. Rebbeim made me exactly to who I am today. May you guys always have simcha in your life
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Cody Lavian |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
ברכה והצלחה
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Gilad Azarahian |
In honor of the entire YNA staff for their tremendous mesirut nefesh and love for the boys year in and year out.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Michael Cohen (Chaim Cohen) |
To Rav Bina, Chanan and his special team (including Rav Hirschorn and Rav Avisar), with Ha'Shem's help you should continue helping boys like you have helped mine.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jacob Levy |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Eytan & Tilda |
For the speedy and full recovery of Ran Yair ben Levana
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David Masturov |
For the continued success of our Yeshiva!
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Dovid Feinberg |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Lichvod Moreinu Vrabeinu Harav Eliyahu Tzadok, Harav Darmoni, Rav Chanan and Harav Bina Shlita. Shout-out to the Boyz Evan Eliyahu, Mike Manouel and Gabriel Rabanipour, Daniel sooooomik.
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Ari Saffra |
Shivi legend
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Patrick Meir Elmaleh |
Hazak to David Perets!
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Talya shoshani |
Leuli nishmat vered bat sara
Hanan ben shulamit
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Matthew Nazar |
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Moshe Hedaya |
Lehatzlachat Moshe Refael ben Esthet, Shira Baila bat Yehudit, v’Akiva Meir ben Shira Baila
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Avraham & Orley Shoshani |
L”N my father Hanan Ben Shulamit and my cousin Vered bat Sarah z”l. Also Lehavdeel in honor of Rav Tzadok Rav Darmoni Rav Hizki Nevenzhal Rav Tzvi and of course the Rosh Yeshiva shlita. 15 years strong! Shana Tova to the entire Netiv family!!
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daniel isaac zaki |
I owe netiv far more than this small donation. Hazlachah
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Naomi & Yitzchak Yehoshua |
בשם ה׳ נעשה ונצליח
Thank you Rav Bina & YNA! Wishing Rav Bina many more years of health and siata dishmaya to continue giving
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Avraham Ahdout |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Eric Motaev |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to all Rabbanim and staff for all that you do, especially Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Darmoni, Rav Tzadok & Rav Avissar.
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Yaniv Alishahian |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Yishai Natan |
לכבוד הרב בינה והרב דרמוני שליט׳׳א
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Rabbi Rudansky |
In honor of David Rahamnu and all the HANC and MAY boys and Rav Bina and all of Netiv Aryeh
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Shifra & Rafael Yehoshua |
"תהי ישיבת נתיב ואריה מקור ברכה והשפעה טובה לכל הלומדים בה, ותרומתכם תהי ברכה לדורות הבאים.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Shimon Canada |
Mashiach Now
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Rachel and Nuriel Gadelov |
Le’kvod HaRav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Tzadok, Rav Darmoni, and all of the rebbeim and staff that keep the yeshiva going.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Dan Bamshad |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Ariel Hakimi |
Thank you R’ Bina, R’Chanan, R’ Darmoni, R’ Hirschhorn + Netiv rebbeim for everything you did and continue doing for great neck!
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Michael Benatar |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
The Hecht |
In Loving Memory of Rachael Davidovich, Rachael Bat Gratzia for all of the chesed she showed to Bochrai Yeshiva.
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Anonymous |
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Arie Amar |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Rafi and Deena Israeli |
In honor of Harav and Rabbanit Bina, Harav and Rabbanit Darmoni
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Moossa |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
תודה רבה לרב צדוק על כל התמיכה ואהב, יהי רצון שתמשיך להגדיל תורה ולאדירה לאורך ימים ושנות חיים והרבה נחת מהתלמידים והמשפחה.
Thank you to Rav Tzadok for your dedication and all that you do!
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Anonymous |
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David Bamshad |
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Isaac Dayan |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
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Chanani & Elana Kleinman |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Samuel Chazan |
For all the daily shacharits!!! thank you!
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Raphael Nassimiha |
Thank you to all the rabbanim for helping me grow into the person I am today. In honor of all the talmidim from Great Neck to have an incredible year of learning.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
For the success of AA, the bsrbers, and all the sephardim
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Benyamin Ariel |
Lichvod Harav Tzadok Shlita and Harav Darmoni Shlita, thank you for all you do for your Talmidim!!
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Michael Ahdut |
In honor of all the rabbiem that keep the yeshiva running! Also a big shout out to Shivi Shalom and David Mastorov. Continue shteiging!
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Eric Eliassi and pierce hakimian |
Shoutout to netiv, we love you! Rav Tzadok shlita
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Walter Berkowitz |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Ariel Kashizadeh |
Thank you Netiv, Rav Tzadok, and Rav Shiloni for changing my life.
To all the talmidim: Chazak V'Ematz!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Hakarat Hatov for everything the Rabbonim have done for me
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Anonymous |
Thank you Netiv Aryeh(listing everyone that helped would take to long)
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jacob Aminoff |
Thank you so much to all the amazing rabbeim, especially Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Tzadok, Rav Darmoni, Rav Felder, and Rav Avissar!!!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Simon Afriat |
In honor of Harav Darmoni שליט״א and Harav Tsadok שליט״א
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you saving my neshama!
A special thank you to Rav Bina, Rav Tzadok, Rav Darmoni, Rav Wiesner, Rav Chanan, Rav Rachamim, and Rav Asaf!
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Seth B Rothenberg |
In honor of wedding of Shmuel and Chana Schroff
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Gabriel & Karine Benatar |
Hatslacha to our Montreal boys!
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David Nissani |
For my brother Yitzy Nissani ❤️ keep working hard! Uncle Gaga’s very proud of you 🙏🏽 keep it up!
ל״נ יוסף גדעון יעקב בן יצחק ופנינה
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Eliyahu Siouni |
Thank you for everything you guys have done. Look forward to visiting!!
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Yitzchak and Penina Aharonoff |
לעילוי נשמת יוסף גדעון יעקב
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Yehuda musheyev |
Thank you Rav Bina, Rav Channan, Rav Tzadok, Rav itai, Rav felder, Rav avisar, Rav Yoel and to all other rebbeim
For helping me with everything I needed help with and for making me who I am today
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Deborah and Tomer Haver |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Moshe Kohanim |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you Rav Bina and all the Rabanim for what you do. Take care of my brother in Shana Alef
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
For the safety of our chayalim and eretz yisrael
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Batya |
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Shlomo and Debra Tsadok |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Andrew Hakimian |
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David perez |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
David Yisrael Aziz |
Thank you to Rav Bina and Netiv Aryeh for changing my life. Keep Shteiging! Shout out to Ariel Hek and Avraham Livieim
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HaRav Tzadok |
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Joey Avidan |
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Rebecca Ohayon |
Refuah shelema: Victoria Tamo Bat Aysha. Iluy Nishmat: Amram Ben Rivka
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Messod Bendayan |
Refuah Shelema: Louisa Bat Hana
Iluy Nishmat: Esther Bat Louisa
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Alice Ohayon |
Refuah shelema: Victoria Tamo Bat Aysha and Iluy Nishmat: Amram Ben Rivka
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Jacob Ahdoot |
Netiv is #1!!!!
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Jacob Dahan |
In honor of Rav Tzadok. Rav Darmoni, Rav Felder, Rav Wiesner, Rav Sait, Rav Chanan and Rav Bina. Thank you for everything
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to Rav Tzadok, Rav Avisar and Rav Darmoni and especially Rav Bina for everything you do!!!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
As a zechut for all of Klal Yisrael-
May all of Netiv’s faculty and students continue to be matzliach! Titzku le’mitzvot
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Eden yusupov |
For hecky
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Joseph Nitzani |
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mark |
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Gil & Sara Simchi |
לכבוד הרב דרמוני
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Michael Mizrahi |
Shana Tova!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Thank you hashem, rav bina, rav tzadok, rav darmoni, and all the rabanim in netiv for making me who I am today!
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Rav tzadok and Rav Benatar= Top G
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Hajibai |
Thank You.
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Coby Cohen |
Thank you to the Rebbeim!
Shana Aleph's Keep Learning, Dont stop!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Yosef and Mika |
Thank you for changing my life!!!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
תודה רבה להרב צדוק וכל הרבנים!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Darmoni, Rav Tzadok, Rav Avissar and all of the Rabbanim of the Yeshiva! Thank you to Tzvi Satt for everything!! We pray that you have the help from Hashem to build all of the boys this year and every year into real Bnei Torah. May you be Zoche with our brother to build him into the best version of him that he could be!
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Anonymous |
לעלוי נשמת יוסף גדעון בן פנינה ויצחק
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Daniel Haim |
Thank you so much yeshiva netiv aryeh
Allot to hakarat hatov
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Oded Azarahian & Ethan Kohananoo |
For the hatzlacha of the amazing Sephardi Party. Thank you Rav Tzadok, Rav Darmoni and Rav Itai for everything!!
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William Jacobs |
To the whole sfardi party but especially Rav Avisar 🥰❤️
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Elyahoo Hekmati |
For hatzlacha to Keep up the shteiging!
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Anonymous |
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C. Schwartz |
Situ Please
R' Tzadok knows perfect English
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David Shaliehsaboo |
Love all you guys
Keep shteiging
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Eddie Aziz |
For the refuah sheleima of Mordechai Ben Sarah
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Anonymous |
Keep it up
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Uri Dallal |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Adriel Kohananoo |
Dedicated for the Hatzlacha of my brother, Ethan Kohananoo. Keep Shteiging and growing!!!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Daniel Katz |
In honor of R Bina, R Tzadok, and R Darmoni and all the Rebbeim.
Thank you Netiv for everything you have done for me!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to all the Rabanim who shaped me into who i am and have done the same for countless others!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
in honor of the rabbi's
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Eli Khaldar |
Thank you Netiv Aryeh
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Eva & Adam Liviem |
Kol Hakavod!!
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Jacob Family |
With Hakarat Hatov
To Rav Darmoni, Rav Tsadok, Rav Maoz, and the entire YNA family
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Ayelet & Matthew Hedvat |
Thank you to all the rabbanim for not only changing my life but also the whole great neck community!!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Naomi & Michael Livi |
Dear Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Darmoni, Rav Tzadok, Rav Avissar, Rav Itay and all the Avrechim / YNA Staff,
THANK YOU! Thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do for the Mashadi Community. We love you all very much!
Le’iluy Nishmat Our Dear Grandfather: BenZion Ben Moshe z”l
לעילוי נשמת בן-ציון בן משה ז״ל
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Moshe Kendil & Family |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
In honor of my Brother |
an Aliyah for Yosef Gideon Yakkov Ben Yitzchak & Penina
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you, Rav Darmoni and Rav Avissar, for always being there for me. I'm looking forward to a strong and meaningful year.
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Aaron Rabanipour |
In Lavis of Harav Avisar, Harav Tzadok and Harav Darmoni. Thank you for everything you do for the Sephardim of Netiv!
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jon Zar |
Tremendous gratitude to Rosh Yeshiva and all the Rabbanim
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Dana & Afshin Bassali |
Thank you to the Netiv boys for making David's Hanachat Tefilin so special this past year!
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Adam Aranbaiev |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Talia & Roey Kohanim |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you to Rabbanim for all that you do!
Rav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Darmoni, Rav Avissar, Tzvi Satt
Please take care of my brother in Shana Alef
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Aviel Raab |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Yosef Kendil |
Thank you for everything that you do,
Can wait to visit metric again
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Ariel Vahava |
תודה רבה לכל הרבנים על כל החיזוק, האהבה , ואכפתיות לכל התלמידים ולמען התורה! תודה רבה ששיניתם לי את החיים אני לא אשכח!! שיהיה לכם שנה טובה ומוצלחת!!
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idan iskhakbayev |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jordan Hekmati |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
In honor of all the yeshiva does
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Yaniv Dahan |
לכבוד הרבנים שלנו
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Lyal Yashar |
Netiv Aryeh, keep putting bullets in the Chaiyalim's weapons so we can continue doing Tikkun Olam!
Thank you to all the rebbeim for giving me the best year of my life by far, instilling me with Talmud Torah and the truth! Especially to the roshei yeshiva and to all the Sephardi Rebbeim!! Shana Tova to everyone in the Yeshiva, and may we see Machiach very soon B”H
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Eitan Kohanim |
Thank you for all Netiv and the Rabbanim have done for me. You are with us no matter where we go❤️
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Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
In honor of all the Rabbanim who do so much for the Yeshiva!
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ChaimYehuda |
As a thank you to the wonderful Rebbiem of Netiv and my dear chavruta/ lifting partner
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Jeremy Gorjian |
Thank you to Harav Bina, Rav Chanan, Rav Tzadok, Rav Itai, Rav Sait and Rav Bader for everything you guys have done for me. You saved my life!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Ben Hedvat |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Leah Livieim |
In honor of all the rebbeim and faculty of yeshivat netiv Aryeh
Thank you for everything!
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Aharon Livieim |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Emanuel Livian |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you for Eveything!!
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Daniel Yushuvayev |
Thank you for all that the yeshiva does!!
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Avi Aranbaiev |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Jacob Aminoff |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Ariel Nasrolai |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Liam Shaer |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
David Aharonoff |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Joey Hajibai |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Arieh Livieim |
In Honor of the Great Rabbanim that are helping the Mashadi and Great Neck community grow in kedusha
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Anonymous |
Thank you for taking such a good care of our youth
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david haim |
Thank you to all the incredible rabbeyim
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
HaKarat HaTov to Rav Darmoni and Rav Tzadok and all of the Rebbeim in the yeshiva!
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Aharon Zarnighian |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Thank you Avissar!
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Moshe Katanov |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Benyamin Fuzaylov |
For everything Rav Tzadok, Rav Darmoni and Rav Itai do for all the Talmidim!!
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Chazak baruch!!!
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Ariel Azar |
For Torah mitzvot and Chessed
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party
Anonymous |
Donated with: Sephardi Party